Get to know me!

 My wine experience so far

Growing up, my family weren't big drinkers. I think that's partially from having too much fun in college, but also their jobs. In high school I was allowed to try things under their watch, I just didn't like anything I tried. I also just did not know anything about wine or why it tastes the way it does. When I came to college, I started to branch out and have wine nights. It has taken me awhile to start appreciating the taste and the experience. 

When I turned 21, my mom came to visit me. She took me to the Blacksburg Wine Lab. She wanted me to have the full experience of learning to try different wines and how it pairs with food. We ordered a flight to try with a bread and oil board. We had two red wines and one white wine. I learned that red wine was not my favorite, but learned how to taste it. It was a very cool experience and really appreciate my mom exposing me to this new world. 

I am super excited to take this class because two of my best friends are also in this class. We are already planning our wine nights and excited to see what we learn. I am studying abroad at the end of this semester and get to go to Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. This class is a perfect introduction for me to go there and get to try all of the different wines there, especially since it's part of the culture.

So here is to my first blog and this class.


Here's me on my 21st!


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