Tasting - Barefoot Strawberry Wine


Barefoot Fruitscato Strawberry Wine

Region: Modesto, California 

Variety: Strawberry

Year: Does not say

Price: $13

Wine Blog Review: This wine is described as a light wine that is semi- sweet or off dry. I personally disagree because the sweetness was overwhelming to my senses. It goes on to describe the wine having the taste of juicy, ripe strawberries. The strawberry was definitely tasted. They suggest the wine being served chilled, which I did. It gave it a lighter taste chilled than if I would have tasted it at room temperature. 

Source: Drizly

Wine Folly: The wine is marketed as a fruity Moscato. The grape Muscat Blanc tend to have orange and lemon flavors to it  and tend to be a sweet fine with a little sparling to it (pg. 138). This wine had the sweet factor but was a still wine. The sweetness lines up and also having fruity flavors to the wine.

Personal Review: When I first smelt the wine, it was so sweet to my senses. I could smell the strawberries, but also gave off a snow cone syrup smell. When I started to drink the wine... holy crap. It was so sweet to the point it tasted like that snow cone syrup. It was thicker as well and was more of a dessert wine itself. It definitely needs to be paired with cheese or something like that to help with the over powering sweetness. 

Rate: 5/10


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