Wine and Cheese Pairing #1


Wines and their info (left to right):

Sutter Home Chardonnay:

Region: Napa and Lodi, California 
No Year

Sutter Home Cabernet Sauvignon:
Region: Napa and Lodi, California 
No Year

Sutter Home Pinot Grigio:
Region: Napa and Lodi, California 
No Year

Cheeses Paired with:
Swiss, Colby Jack, Sharp Cheddar

The wines without cheese:

Chardonnay: The wine had a nice honey apple taste to it. It wasn't too dry, but wasn't very sweet. It smelt like apple and oaky, and I tasted the oakiness.

Pinot Grigio: This one also had an apple crisp taste it and was dry. There wasn't a burnt taste but was a little similar to the chardonnay.

Carbernet: This was so dry and tasted like burnt fruit. The aftertaste was bitter.

With cheese:

Chardonnay: One thing that I didn't like originally about the wine was the oaky taste to it, but the cheddar cheese paired the best with it to take away from off-putting oaky taste. This wine I would probably only drink with food, but I think it's best with cheeses and meats. 

Pinot Grigio: This one was the only one I would consider drinking on its own. Like the Chardonnay, the cheddar tasted well and helped enhanced the apply crisp. Both with this one and the Chardonnay it reminded me of those snack packs that had apples and cheeses with it. 

Carbernet: All three cheeses helped take away the bitterness. This wine is one I would agree that would need to be paired with food to enjoy. The cheese helped take away the tannic taste and lightened. The best one to help with the taste was swiss, which I was not expecting.

Proof and me and my wines:


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